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▼電気の力_d0017381_538749.jpg"Arrests at new Iranian protests"
"In a new form of protest, activists were urged to turn off lights and domestic appliances at 2055 (1625 GMT). They planned to switch on five minutes later appliances that consume large amounts of electricity, such as irons, toasters and microwave ovens. Activist leaders hoped the resulting surge in demand could cause a power outage and cloak Tehran in darkness, allowing some the chance to protest on the streets. The power protest is the latest in a series of efforts to continue demonstrating without breaking the law or risking arrest. Following a government clampdown on protests shortly after the disputed election, many in Tehran took to their roofs after dark to shout Allahu Akbar (God is Great) in solidarity with the opposition."(BBC NEWS 22/7/2009)

「イランからの情報によると、大統領選不正疑惑への混乱が続く首都テヘランの一部地域で21日夜、停電が発生した。選挙で敗北した改革派ムサビ元首相支持派はこの日、アイロンなど消費電力の大きい電化製品を一斉に使い、停電を起こすよう呼び掛けていた。停電が発生した地域では、人々がベランダなどから「アラー・アクバル(神は偉大なり)」「独裁者に死を」と連呼し、アハマディネジャド大統領や体制に対する不満を表明した。当局はムサビ支持派の街頭デモを禁じており、支持者は電力供給をまひさせるという新手で対抗した形だ。」(時事通信社 2009年7月22日)




by illcommonz | 2009-07-23 05:48
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