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抗議声明に賛同をお願いします ▼Help us say No to Nike's privatization of Miyashita Park! At 6:30am on September 15th, roughly 120 police officers, guards, and Shibuya Ward park officials suddenly appeared and closed off the entirety of Miyashita Park. After supplies were brought in, all entries to the park were sealed off with fences and blocked by lines of local ward officials and guards. Riot squad vehicles and over 40 plain-clothes public safety officers also surrounded the periphery of the park in a glaring demonstration of needless excess. Signs posted on fences read, "In accordance with provisions regarding prohibition of park use in Section 7 of the Shibuya Ward Public Parks Ordinance, use of Shibuya Ward Miyashita Park is currently prohibited" and "Miyashita Park will be closed due to construction for maintenance". The closure of Miyashita Park took place without warning. That morning, one of the park’s homeless residents was injured when he was forcibly dragged out by 10 guards. It is important to note that the forthcoming "construction for maintenance" cited in the signs refers to Nike’s planned conversion of Miyashita Park into a sports facility. The sports goods giant will not only foot the bill for the construction but has also purchased the rights to rename the public park "Miyashita Nike Park". Originally Shibuya Ward's planned start date for construction (contracted to Tokyu Construction) was in April 2010 but organized protest has thus far successfully resulted in stalling the park conversion. While Shibuya Ward is saying that Miyashita’s sudden closure is for "tree-pruning and garbage removal estimated to take about a week", other statements made by officials to the press such as "We’d like to continue from there with the construction" clearly suggest that this eviction is being carried out for the purposes of installing Nike facilities. On September 16th, an order for the removal of tents, posters, artistic works and other materials belonging to The Coalition to Protect Miyashita Park from Becoming Nike Park (The Coalition), as well as a storage shed used to hold possessions for homeless persons by the Shibuya Free Association for the Right to Housing and Well-Being of the Homeless (Nojiren) was issued in the name of Shibuya Mayor Toshitake Kuwahara under Section 27 Item 1 of the Urban Park Act. The order states that "these properties (listed in the attached document)" are in violation of Article 6 Item 1 (regarding permission for occupancy of urban parks) of the same Act and, as such, must be cleared by noon of September 18th at the expense of the property owners. This means that the ward is preparing to undertake administrative subrogation procedures, as happened in past evictions of homeless persons from Nagoya’s Shirakawa Park in 2005, Osaka's Utsubo Park and Osakajo Park in 2006, and Osaka’s Nagai Park in 2007. However, in each of these past cases, evictees were first given the opportunity to present their case in writing prior to the eviction following receipt of the notice demanding removal of their property. In the case of Miyashita, on the other hand, no such opportunity was provided. After warnings insisting on the "removal of the unauthorized property" were posted on August 24th, 25th, 26th, and 31st, the official removal order was issued suddenly and with disregard to necessary legal proceedings. Moreover, despite the fact that Article 27 Item 1 of the Urban Parks Act asks for the owner’s voluntary removal of personal property, Shibuya Ward has made it impossible for owners to conform since closure of Miyashita Park means that even persons who wish to reclaim their property are being denied entry. In addition, while the order for property removal was served in accordance with Item 3 of the Urban Parks Act (enabling park management to order removal "where, through no particular fault, the party who must be ordered to act cannot be verified"), as of September 15th Shibuya Ward could no longer justly or legally claim that "the unauthorized property listed" actually belonged to "an unidentified part"” seeing as how two of the homeless residents of the park signed papers verifying items as their property. (A formal request to examine the Order for Removal of Property Belonging to Unidentified Parties was filed with the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport on September 17.) Then, on the afternoon of September 18th, immediately following the expiration of the set deadline for property removal, notices citing Article 3 Item 1 of the Act on Substitute Execution by Administration were posted outside of the park while both Nojiren and The Coalition received legal reprimands via express mail. The Ward is clearly acting in extreme haste. Since we were made aware of Nike’s plans to convert Miyashita Park, The Coalition has openly voiced our opposition for the following reasons: 1) awarding use of this public space to one company for the creation of a profit-making sports facility will also effectively result in denying part of the public the same right to use the park; 2) the plan for the conversion was settled without informing or consulting ward residents and park users, and advanced in an undemocratic, top-down manner by the mayor and select members of the ward assembly; 3) if the conversion is carried out, then homeless residents of the park will be expelled and the public will lose an important space for free assembly. The closure of Miyashita Park, the order for property removal, and the move towards an administrative subrogation all effectively undo with one fell blow the hard work, the artistic vibrancy, and the many discussions, events, and encounters all manifested in The Coalition’s movement to “Keep Miyashita everyone’s park”. The ward’s actions have all been carried out by strong-arm tactics under law enforcement currently preparing for the November 13 APEC Summit in Yokohama with tightened security measures surpassing those undertaken during the 2008 Hokkaido G8 Summit. Shibuya Ward is obviously working closely with the police, as evidenced by the police department’s overwhelming presence on September 15th along with the fact that the ward official in charge on that day, namely, the Park Infrastructure Coordinator, not only stated that "all this has been cleared with Hirano (Shibuya Ward’s Security Department Chief)" but also demonstrated a need to call the police every time something arose. Homeless persons are being uprooted and denied their personal possessions by this eviction at a time when the economy is undergoing a long-term decline and more and more people are being forced onto the streets due in part to insufficient job creation and social welfare policies. We cannot help but feel that Shibuya Ward's actions are devoid of respect for human rights and human dignity seeing as how: 1) officials are treating property belonging to homeless individuals (along with that belonging to The Coalition) as if it were trash, and 2) homeless persons who had been violently expelled were curtly told, "It’s on you to start looking (for a new place to sleep)". We resent Shibuya Mayor Toshitake Kuwahara's collusion with a major corporation to turn a public park into a corporate advertisement as well as the antagonism directed at homeless people, which demonstrably threatens their well-being. We urge Shibuya Ward to: 1) put an immediate stop to the closure of Miyashita Park, 2) apologize and offer compensation to homeless persons that were violently expelled by guards from the park, and 3) cancel the order for property removal and halt and all administrative subrogation proceedings. The Coalition will not rest until the public has reclaimed Miyashita Park and Nike's plans to convert it have been abandoned. Please show your support by faxing or emailing us to add your name and/or your organization's name to our protest statement. We ask for all names by Wednesday September 29. Please let us know if you would like your name to be made viewable to the public, or kept private. Messages of solidarity also welcomed! Email: minnanokouenn@gmail.com FAX: 03-3406-5254 Also contact Shibuya Ward and Nike (Japan) to voice your opposition! Together we can bring an end to this unjust takeover of Miyashita Park! SHIBUYA MAYOR Toshitake Kuwahara Phone (English spoken): 03-3463-1234 ext.2454 -- 7 Fax: +81-3-5458-4900 E-mail: mayor@city.shibuya.tokyo.jp NIKE CORPORATION (World HQ) Phone: 1-503-671-6453, +1 503 671 2635 Fax: +1 503 646 6926 Email: info@nike.com http://swoosh.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/swoosh.cfg/php/enduser/ask.php (Sample--Subject “My opposition to Nike’s involvement in Miyashita Park, Shibuya”; Question “I am writing because I am aware of Nike’s involvement in the conversion of Miyashita Park in Shiuya into a sports facility. I believe it is both wrong and dangerous for private corporations to get involved in the management of public land. I strongly urge Nike to NOT pursue its Miyashita Nike Park project.”) NIKE JAPAN Attn: General Manager James Godbout Phone: +81-3-5463-3300 Fax: +81-3-5463-3295 Email: info@nike.com http://swoosh.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/swoosh.cfg/php/enduser/ask.php The Coalition to Protect Miyashita Park from Becoming Nike Park Contact: minnanokouenn@gmail.com Blog (Japanese): http://minnanokouenn.blogspot.com ▼抗 議 声 明 9月15日、朝6時半頃突然、120人もの渋谷区公園課作業員、警備員、警察官らによって宮下公園が全面的に閉鎖されました。 資材を搬入した後、全ての出入り口をフェンスで封鎖し、多数の渋谷区職員や警備員を並ばせ、公園の回りには40人もの私服公安刑事や機動隊などの車両を配置するというものものしさの中で強行されました。 フェンスの前には「公園の利用の禁止について渋谷区立都市公園条例第7条の規定に基づき、渋谷区立宮下公園の一部の利用を当分の間、禁止します」、「宮下公園は整備工事のため、 当分の間、通り抜けできません」の張り紙。 今回の全面閉鎖は事前に何ら通告もなく抜き打ち的に強行され、公園でテント生活をしていた野宿者の一人は十数人の警備員によって腕がみみず腫れになるような暴行を受け園外に引き摺り出されました。 張り紙にある「整備工事」とは、スポーツメーカー大手企業ナイキが自費で宮下公園をスポーツ施設として改造するとともに、名称もネーミングライツによって「宮下NIKEパーク」に変更するというものです。 渋谷区は今年の4月に着工する(工事の請負は東急建設)と言っていましたが、私たちや多くの人々の反対の取り組みで工事はストップしていました。渋谷区は 今回の突然の全面閉鎖について「樹木の剪定やごみの撤去などに1週間程度取り組むため」と言っていますが、「続けて今月内にも着工したい(東京新聞)」と 言っているように、何が何でもナイキ化工事のために強行した強制排除であることは明らかです。 さらに渋谷区は桑原区長名で、翌日16日、私たち「みんなの宮下公園をナイキ化計画から守る会」(以下「守る会」)のテントや物品、ナイキ化反対の看板な どやアーティストの作品、2名のテント生活者のテント、荷物、野宿者活動団体である「渋谷・野宿者の生存と生活をかちとる自由連合」(以下「のじれん」) の野宿者の荷物置き場になっている倉庫に対して、都市公園法第27条1項に基づく除却命令をかけてきました。「別紙目録の物件」は同法第6条第1項(都市 公園の占用の許可)に違反しているから、9月18日正午まで所有者等の費用で片付けることを命じるというものです。 これは05年名古屋・白川公園、06年大阪・うつぼ公園、大阪城公園、07年大阪・長居公園の野宿者強制排除・撤去のために抜かれた「伝家の宝刀」、行政代執行の準備に入ったことを意味します。 しかしかつていずれの場合も除却命令前の警告後に弁明機会付与の通知がなされましたが、宮下公園では夏まつり前の8月24日、25日、26日、夏まつり 後の31日の「不法占用物件を撤去せよ」との警告後、弁明の機会も与えずいきなり除却命令という法的手続きを全く無視した行為に出ています。しかも都市公 園法第27条11項では物の所有者の自主的な除却を促しているのにもかかわらず、前日の全面閉鎖・立ち入り禁止で渋谷区の許可を得ないと所有物を取りにいけないという矛盾に満ちた状態を渋谷区自ら作っています。 さらには除却命令の公告には同法第3項(「過失がなくてその措置を命ぜられるべき者を確知できないとき」の公園管理者による除却の公告)の規定に基づいていますが、渋谷区はテント生活者2名の所有物であることを15日の荷物の受け取りの際の署名で十分に認識していながら、「物の所有者不明」の物件目録に 揚げているという不当・不法律な手続きを踏んでいます。(所有者不明の除却命令 に対して17日、国土交通大臣に審査請求) そしてついにその期限が過ぎた直後の18日午後、園外に行政代執行法第3条第1項による戒告の公告が張られ、「守る会」、「のじれん」にも同様の戒告書が速達で到達されました。まさに異常な拙速さです。 私たちはナイキ化計画が発覚した一昨年5月以降、①宮下公園がスポーツ施設化することによって公共の空間が一企業の利益優先のために一部の利用者しか使え なくなること、②この計画が区民や利用者などに全く知らされず、区長や一部の議員のトップダウンで進められてきたこと、③この計画が実現すれば公園でテント生活を余儀なくされている野宿者が排除され、また集会などの表現の場が大幅 に縮小されること、を理由に反対の声をあげてきました。 今回の宮下公園全面閉鎖、除却命令、行政代執行策動は、これまで多くの人々が取り組んできた活動や作品、そして何よりも私たちが様々な出会いや議論、イベントなどで作ってきた「みんなの公園」を一挙に破壊するものです。 それは11月13日横浜で行われる「APEC(アジア太平洋経済協力会議)」に向けて2年前の北海道G8サミット以上の厳戒体制を敷こうとする警察権力の下で強行されました。 15日から警視庁が全面的に出張り弾圧体制であることや、一連の行為の渋谷区の責任者と称する植木基盤整備調整担当副参事が何かある度に警察を呼び、「平野さん(渋谷署警備課長)には話しは通 してあるから」とうそぶく事からも警察との密な連携は明白です。 また長期化する経済危機の中、行政の就労対策、生活保護対策の無策によってテント生活を余儀なくされた野宿者の寝場所や生活必需品を根こそぎ奪うもので す。野宿者のテントや荷物をゴミ扱いし (「守る会」などの所有物も同様)、暴力的に叩き出しておいて 「(寝場所を)自分で探せ」と言ってはばからない渋谷区の姿勢には人権や尊厳の尊重のかけらも感じ得ません。 公園を広告にしようとする企業と癒着し、野宿者を敵視しながら生存を脅かし、ハコモノ造りに勤しむ桑原区政に対して改めて大きな憤りを覚えます。 私たちは今回の渋谷区の暴挙に対して怒りをもって抗議するとともに、①宮下公園の全面閉鎖を即刻解除すること、②警備員によって暴行を受け強制排除された野宿者に謝罪と補償をすること、③除却命令、戒告を中止し、行政代執行を行わないこと、と強く求めます。 私たちは決して諦めていません。宮下公園を私たちの手に取り返し、ナイキ化計画を最終的に撤回させるまでは私たちは闘い続けます。多くの方々の抗議の声と行動とともに! 多くの個人・団体の方の賛同を! 第一次集約:2010年9月29日(水) 公表の不可を必ずお書き添えください。 賛同メッセージ、よろしくお願いします。 メール:minnanokouenn@gmail.com FAX:03-3406-5254 下記に抗議の声を! 渋谷区長 TEL:03-3463-1290 FAX:03-3548-4900 メール:kocho@city.shibuya.tokyo.jp みんなの宮下公園をナイキ化計画から守る会 クリックすると拡大します
by illcommonz
| 2010-09-22 03:56
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ファン申請 |