Beware the populists: Aided by a pandering press, a handful of nationalists can have a dangerous impact beyond Japan’s shores
"Most recently, that person has been Shintaro Ishihara, the governor of Tokyo and
an old rogue of the Japanese right. His attempt on behalf of the metropolitan government to buy the tiny islands known as the Senkakus in Japan and the Diaoyus in China sparked a row between the world’s second- and third-largest economies that could damage their bilateral trade, worth $350 billion―and even tip Japan back into recession. Last month Yoshihiko Noda, the prime minister, nationalised three of the islands, apparently to stop the incendiary Mr Ishihara getting them first. Yet that nuance was lost on China, which also claims the islands. Anti-Japanese protests there flared, and the government threw bilateral relations into the freezer."(The Economist Oct 6th 2012)
Google が「日本の権利の年を取った悪者」と誤/訳した"an old rogue of the Japanese right" は、ただしくは、「日本の右翼の、くたばりぞこないの、ならずもの」の意。