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▼「サインズ・オブ・チェンジ 1960年代から現在までの社会運動の文化」展 (SIGNS OF CHANGE Social Movement Cultures 1960s to Now) [日時] 2009年1月23日~3月8日 [場所] ミラー・ギャラリー(ピッツバーグ・米国) [出展作家および協力団体・個人] AK Press, our families, Icky A, Anabella and Fantasmas de Heredia, Finn Thybo Andersen, Allan Antliff, Archiv Papier Tiger, Aviv, Craig Baldwin, Bani, Brett Bloom, Bluestockings Bookstore, Skip Blumberg, Amadee Braxton, Cale, Lindsay Caplan, Kevin Caplicki, Chris Carlsson, Chris at 56A Infoshop, Estelle Carol, Shu Lea Chang, Tom Civil, Lincoln Cushing, Paloma Diaz, Deirdre at Ungdomshuset, Marco Deseriis, Kirsten Dufour, Nava EtShalom, Silvia Federici, Anna Feigenbaum, Jim Fetterly, Jim Finn, Tracy Fitz, Jim Fleming, Kathleen Forde, Emily Forman, Michelle Foy and Fernando Marti, Aaron Gach, William Gambetta, Benj Gerdes, David Graeber, Grrrt, Alex Halkin, Dee Dee Halleck, Jodi Hanel, Kyle Harris, Marc Herbst, Robbie Herbst, Kathy High, Chris Hill, Brian Holmes, Kate Huh, students, staff and faculty of IEAR at RPI, illcommonz, Irena, Sarah Jarmon, John Jordan, Justseeds Artists Cooperative, Jonathan Kahana, Ramsey Kanaan, Malav Kanuga, Sandy Kaltenborn, George Katsiafica s, Narita Keisuke (IRA), Nadia Khastagir, Janet Koenig, Sabu Kohso, Tami Lawson, Lower East Side Print Shop, Juan Pablo Maci'as, Martin Mantxo, Claude Marks, Cat Mazza, Lauren Melodia, Ben Meyers, Miguel at Indymedia Brazil, Branda Miller, Doug Minkler, KJ Mohr, Claude Moller, Matt Meyers, Jan Novak, 123 Community Space, Dina Passman, Mary Patten, Paolo Pedercini, Canek Pena-Vargas, Gordon Quinn, Melissa Rachleff Burtt, Mark Reed, Rio, Olivia Robinson, Favianna Rodriguez, Heather Rogers, Michael Rossman (RIP), Timo Russo, Sarah Ryhanen, Surajit Sarkar, Paige Sarlin, Judy Ann Seidman, Steyphen Shukaitis, Greg Sholette, Jeffrey Skoller, Tim Simmons, 16beaver group, Theresa Smith, Jacqui Soohen, Chris Stain, Mary Anne Staniszewski, Astria Suparak, Nato Thompson, Miriam Tola, Eric Triantafillou, Daniel Tucker, Kathryn Tufano, Christina Ulke, Igor Vamos, Dan Wang, Carol Wells and all at CSPG, Jamie Wilkinson, Deborah Willis and Asian/Pacific/American Institute and Tisch Department o f Photography & Imaging at NYU, all who submitted writing to the exhibition, the translators, Interns: Gabriel Cohen, Merrily Grashin, Nicole Whalen, BreAnne Dale, Jessica Hong, Scott Schultheis, Elsa Konig, Lilly Alexander, Nina Barnett, Saskia Coulson, Alexandra Ingalls, Kelsey Witt, and all who have participated in the production of social movement cultures! 昨年の夏、ニューヨークのEXIT ARTで開催された「サインズ・オブ・チェンジ」展が、好評だったため、現在ピッツバーグのミラー・ギャラリーで巡回展開催中。ニッポンからは、いるといら(イルコモンズとIRA)がひきつづき出展。
by illcommonz
| 2009-02-05 04:49
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ファン申請 |